Remind Me of Home
Daily Prompt
An Ounce of Home—You’re embarking on a yearlong round-the-world adventure, and can take only one small object with you to remind you of home. What do you bring along for the trip?

Wohoo—it’s time to depart! My plane flies out of JFK at 11:00 a.m., and I’m bound for a world-wide adventure. My dream of traveling the world is finally coming true. I will stand beside the Eiffel Tower, ride a gondola in Italy, climb the Alps in Switzerland, gaze at the Great Wall of China, meet kangaroos in Australia…oh, there is so much to do!
I say farewell to you, my dear friends. I will be gone for a year and will not return until June 19, 2015. I packed everything I need for the next 365 days into two suitcases and a carry-on. There was only room to pack one small object to remind me of home. Oh, how I will miss home. I won’t be going shopping with my brother, out-to-eat with my father, or laughing and talking with my mother while I’m away. I wish they could go with me, but I only have one ticket. What did I pack that will ease the homesickness when I’m lonely? What did I pack that will keep the tears from falling when I think upon my dog, my bookshelves, my home, my friends…?
I gently pull the item from my carry-on to show you. This is what I picked to take along, my Bible. I chose my Bible because nothing else holds all the love and memories that it does. Each of the notes and scribblings inside remind me of certain times (whether good of bad) that I went through during my many years in Pennsylvania. Within the pocket of the Bible cover are pictures of friends; so that I can look upon their smiling faces and pray for them. Within the Bible’s pages are pictures of my family. I will not forget my brother’s mischievous humor, my father’s strong yet gentle spirit, and my mother’s beautiful giving heart- because I will see them every time I gaze upon the photographs. Within a certain pocket, I also keep special letters of encouragement that I have received over the years. These tell of past events or happenings that have shaped me into who I am.
I also know that there is nothing more comforting than the words written in the Bible. This is what reminds me of my “True Home”. This is what keeps me close to the heart of God and His will. This is how I learn right from wrong and know what my Father desires. When I read from here, I am reminded of Home.
Within my Bible are reminders of my two homes- one on earth and one in Heaven. So I will stick it back inside my backpack so it’s easy to pull out when I’m feeling lonely, and I will grab my suitcases and bid you Adieu!
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